27 7月 2021

Karsan, İş Yaşamında Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Geliştirilmesi İçin Çalışmalarına Aralıksız Devam Ediyor!

Karsan, ILO Akademi Tarafından Verilen 
“Şiddete Sıfır Tolerans” 
Eğitimlerini Alan İlk Kuruluş Oldu!

A pioneer in the Turkish automotive industry, Karsan makes another invaluable effort aimed at making its employees across all departments embrace gender equality. Acting on the premise that promoting gender equality in business life brings longevity in human relations, Karsan signed a protocol with the International Labor Organization in 2019 for promotion of gender equality and increasing employment of women. Now Karsan is following up with the "Zero Tolerance Against Violence" training. Karsan has become the first institution to have received the "Zero Tolerance Against Violence" training which is provided in ILO Academy in line with the activities driven by ILO Turkey to promote social gender equality to business life. The objective with this training is to increase awareness of Karsan personnel for violence occurring in business and domestic settings. In addition, Karsan has formed a "Procedure of Zero Tolerance Against Violence" in order to provide support for personnel who face violence.

The pioneer of the Turkish automotive industry, Karsan continues to make exemplary decisions for business life. In this scope, Karsan follows up on the movement of awareness, which it kicked off with the protocol signed with ILO Turkey Office in 2019 to promote gender equality and increase employment of women, with the "Zero Tolerance Against Violence" trainings. The first company in the world to form a Zero Tolerance Against Violence in line with ILO Standards, Karsan has also recently become the first institution to receive the "Zero Tolerance Against Violence" training provided by ILO Academy.

The academy was established to digitally sustain the training activities provided by ILO as part of its projects and programs and the first training program of the academy, the "Zero Tolerance Against Violence", was received by Karsan personnel. This training is a continuation of the face-to-face social gender equality training provided to Karsan personnel in 2019-2020, and it is aimed with this training to increase the awareness of Karsan personnel regarding violence and harassment. A collaboration protocol was signed with ILO in 2019 to promote gender equality, increase employment of women and enable permanent gender equality in Karsan's corporate policies, and in this scope, the ILO-developed "Model to Promote Social Gender Equality in Companies" was implemented in Karsan. In order to increase the awareness regarding gender equality as per the model, Karsan provided collective gender equality training to its executive and production personnel.

Karsan's "Procedure of Zero Tolerance Against Violence"!

In addition, Karsan formed a "Procedure of Zero Tolerance Against Violence" in order to guide its executive personnel in terms of addressing the issues of providing support to its personnel who face violence in their business and/or domestic lives and determining the impact of violence and harassment on the workplace for the greater objective of creating a safe working environment. This procedure encompasses the steps to be taken, and tools and methods to be incorporated to develop the policies and practices aimed at minimizing the impact of violence in business and domestic lives of the female and male personnel of Karsan, which has set social gender equality as one of its core principles.

Karsan also signed, last year, the "Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)", established by the UN Global Compact and the UN Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Unit (UN Women). In addition, Karsan established the "Gender Equality Policy" and "Zero Tolerance for Violence Policy" within the scope of the international 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

