13 3月 2020

Karsan Signed UN's Women's Empowerment Principles! 

Taking firm and sure-footed steps towards becoming a global brand fifty years after its foundation, Turkey's commercial vehicle manufacturer Karsan is also doing its bit to improve gender equality at workplace. In this context, Karsan signed the Women's Empowerment Principles, which is one of the most important global initiatives of the United Nations (UN). The initiative coincides with the International Labor Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency to advance social justice and promote decent work, cooperating with Karsan to ensure gender equality at workplace. Making a statement on the subject, Karsan CEO Okan Baş stressed that they once again demonstrated their commitment to fair company policies for gender equality by signing the “Declaration of Support of CEOs for WEPs”. 

Offering transportation solutions that meet the new age’s mobility needs at its factory in Bursa, the commercial vehicle manufacturer Karsan took another vital step to help improve gender equality at workplace. In this context, Karsan signed the "Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)", established in 2010 by the UN Global Compact and the UN Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Unit (UN Women). Making a statement on the subject, Karsan CEO Okan Baş said, “With the Declaration of Support of CEOs for WEPs ”, we have once again demonstrated our determination to establish and maintain company policies that promote gender equality.” 

It offers all the fundamentals for gender equality! 

WEPs are among the most important global initiatives of the UN. 
 WEPs, which provide important points to be taken into consideration in terms of ensuring gender equality at workplace, contains seven sections setting out the fundamental aspects of its vision. In this context, companies are anticipated to establish “high level corporate leadership for gender equality”, “treat all women and men fairly at work, respect and support Human Rights and non-discrimination, supporting these principles”, “ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men workers”. Also, companies are also expected to “promote education, training and professional development for women”, “implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women”, “ promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy”, “measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality”.

Karsan rewarded for its efforts on gender equality!

In 2019, a protocol was signed in Bursa, between Kıraça Holding, Karsan and ILO, in order to improve gender equality and increase women's employment at Karsan; within the framework of this protocol, it was planned to conduct gender equality training and put in place gender-equality company policies and practices at Karsan.

On the issue of Karsan being a signatory to the WEPs, ILO Turkey Office Director Numan Özcan said, “This is a very important step in terms of the joint work we have been doing with Karsan, as well as increasing female employment and empowering women's position at workplace”.

Also, Karsan was awarded the BUSIAD 2018 Doğan Ersöz Prize, in acknowledgement of its efforts presided over by ILO to maintain sustainable social and economic development and make women more visible in social and business life. 
 At the Future Summit held last year by the Federation of Associations of Turkey Automotive Maintenance, Karsan was also awarded for its pioneering projects and initiatives that set a precedent for all sectors in terms of women's employment and gender equality.

