28 11月 2019


Leaving behind a half century after its foundation and taking firm steps to become a global brand, Karsan, Turkey's domestic commercial vehicle manufacturer, was awarded for its projects and practices carried out together with the International Labor Organization (ILO), which will set an example for all sectors in the fields of women's employment and gender equality. Accordingly, Karsan won the Women's Employment Award that is organized by the Federation of Automotive Maintenance Associations in Turkey (TOBFED). The awards were given during the event where the "Future Summit" and the 3rd General Assembly Meeting of TOBFED were held. "The contribution of women to our company with their efforts and talents raises our bar of success and will increase it further every passing day," said Karsan Human Resources Manager Mr. Mücahit Korkut who was presented the award on behalf of Karsan.

Producing modern public transportation vehicles in line with the mobility requirements of the age in its Bursa factory, Karsan continues to crown its achievements with awards. Accordingly, Karsan was deemed worthy of an award by the Federation of Automotive Maintenance Associations in Turkey (TOBFED). The "Future Summit" was organized by TOBFED, the only representative of automotive after-sales services sector represented by 22 associations and 81 provincial agencies in Turkey and having 300 thousand SMEs and 1.5 million employees. At the summit, where the 3rd General Assembly Meeting of TOBFED was also held, the topics that guide the future of automotive maintenance and after-sales services sector were discussed.  Many names from the sector as well as the circles of economy, politics and science attended the event which was organized at Istanbul Raffles Hotel and brought together the representatives of automotive sector. During the assembly, the "Women's Employment Awards" were given. Karsan, Turkey's domestic commercial vehicle manufacturer, was also deemed worthy of an award thanks to its joint efforts with the ILO Turkey Office for the purposes of women's employment and gender equality. The award was presented to Karsan Human Resources Manager Mr. Mücahit Korkut on behalf of the company.

Speaking at the event, Karsan Human Resources Manager Mr. Mücahit Korkut reminded that the automotive sector is among the sectors with the lowest female employment. "Although the ratio of female employees to office workers is 20 percent in Karsan, this ratio is around 5 percent in our total number of employees," said Mr. Korkut. Giving information about the practice of "Positive Career", which define career paths of employees and was conducted last year, Mr. Korkut stated that female employees are successful in 50 percent of managerial roles in Karsan. "The contribution of women to our company with their efforts and talents raises our bar of success and will increase it further every passing day," said Mr. Korkut. 

Karsan takes an important step to empower women!

Mr. Korkut reminded that they signed the memorandum of understanding in July with the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN's specialized agency in labor, and Kıraça Holding, for the development of gender equality and increasing the female employment. "The activities that will be carried out as part of this protocol will be an important step taken to empower women in Turkey. As part of this protocol, we created a "Business Development Team" which is composed of equal number of male and female employees in order to implement this model. This team will prepare the Karsan Business Plan for increasing female employment and ensure the implementation of actions," said Mr. Korkut.

"We aim to obtain guiding practices"

Korkut told that ILO Turkey Office organizes seminars titled "I Support Equality" on workplace practices that support female employment and gender equality with the participation of all employees and an "Internal Trainer Team" was created to offer training for new employees in order to ensure the continuity of seminars and trainings. "At the end of the implementation period which will last for about a year, we aim to obtain best guiding practices in entire Turkey and all sectors, not just in Bursa and the metal industry," said Mr. Korkut.

