Basically, WCM involves three countermeasures:
• Reactive; Measures taken after an incidence takes place.
• Preventive; Preventive actions are taken to avoid repeating mistakes by learning from the past experiences.
• Proactive; Measures to be taken for avoiding a potential serious event, based on theoretical risk analysis. Aims to eliminate the fault at its source before it occurs.
All Technical Pillar works are conducted in 7 Steps, our aim is to switch from Reactive approach to Preventive and Proactive approach in management of all process factory-wide.

Basic WCM Tools
WCM requires making all decisions based on objectively measured data and analyses. Therefore, basic analysis tools such as prioritization, drawing of problem definition, handling the problem via 5WS-1H question model for complete problem analysis with all its basic aspects, problem root-cause analysis are used.